Found 95 blog entries tagged as edmonton.

Happy Easter

What does Easter mean?

The origin of the word easter isn’t certain. The Venerable Bede, an eighth-century monk, and scholar suggested that the word may have come from the Anglo-Saxon Eeostre or Eastre – a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility. Recent scholars haven’t been able to find any reference to the goddess Bede mentioned and consider the theory discredited. 

Another possibility is the Norse eostur, eastur, or ostara, which meant “the season of the growing sun” or  â€śthe season of new birth.” The word east comes from the same roots. In this case, easter would be linked to the changing of the season.

A more recent and complex explanation comes from the Christian background of Easter rather than the pagan. The early Latin…

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Alberta's Consumer Spending Strong in December But Down In January

Happiness is banking with ATB.

ATB Economics | February 26, 2021

Retailers were hoping for a strong December to help make up for losses earlier in the year due to the pandemic and Alberta consumers obliged.

Average daily consumer spending* in Alberta was up by 2.5 per cent in December 2020 compared to December 2019.

The higher spending in December was not, however, enough to keep annual sales from falling below the 2019 level. Consumers in Alberta spent about 3.7 per cent less last year than in 2019.

Unadjusted consumer spending always falls in January compared…

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Oil Production In Alberta Getting Back On Track

Happiness is banking with ATB.

ATB Economics | February 18, 2021

Oil production in Alberta getting back on track


When billions of dollars and thousands of jobs are on the line, “it could’ve been worse” is not what you want to hear. But when it comes to Alberta’s total oil production in 2020, it could’ve been worse.

Between the pandemic, an oil price war, prices slipping into negative territory, ongoing pipeline challenges, lockdowns, travel restrictions and a second wave of the virus, the fact…

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Ardrossan Recreation Complex

The Complex offers a new arena, wellness centre and fitness track for fitness, group fitness classes, recreational skating and indoor playground opportunities.

Check out all the amenities and the latest schedules at



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