Found 3 blog entries tagged as realtors.

How MaxWell Realty Agents Transform the End of the Week Into Real Estate Opportunities

Published on March 14, 2025 | Maxwell Realty Blog | Ron Alfred De Guzman, Communications Manager at MaxWell Realty

The Friday Advantage: Where Preparation Meets Opportunity

In the fast-paced world of Canadian real estate, Fridays represent a unique opportunity. At MaxWell Realty, our agents have developed a distinctive approach to this pivotal day, transforming what many consider the wind-down of a workweek into the foundation for weekend success.

"Fridays have become our competitive edge," explains a top-performing MaxWell Realty agent from Calgary. "It's the perfect bridge between completing weekday transactions and preparing for weekend client…

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Buying a home in Alberta.   Is it still a good deal?

Alberta, and Canada for that point is still a great place to buy a home when compared to other parts of the world.


Throughout my past Military career and my many chances to travel the world.  I have had the opportunity to see the best and worst of the real estate market and quality of life offered in many different places.


While there are some great deals in countries like Mexico, Belize and even some locations in Europe.  We have one of the best markets in the world in which to purchase our dream home or just a starter home that will eventually lead us to our dream home purchase.


I recently travelled to Portugal for the second time in 20 years.  It was truly…

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A home purchase is one of the largest assets and the biggest debt that a person will have. If this is your first time obtaining mortgage, then there are a few things that you need to know about what is required to qualify.

1)      Credit History: How is your current credit and how has it been in the past? Your financial institution will look at your rating, and that everything is in good standing. If you are able to manage your debt, then it reflects on your ability to manage house payments.

2)      Debt Load: What are your liabilities? How much debt do you have? Your financial institution will look at the amount that you owe compared to the amount that you earn. Your debts should not exceed 40 to 42 % of your gross income, and your housing…

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