Found 2 blog entries tagged as low interest rates.

Happiness is banking with ATB.

ATB Economics | March 10, 2021

Policy Interest Rate Stays Put: Bank of Canada


The Bank of Canada announced* this morning it is keeping its trendsetting policy interest at 0.25 per cent.

The Bank also announced its quantitative easing program will continue at its current pace of at least $4 billion per week.

Despite signs of economic recovery, the Bank’s “Governing Council judges that the recovery continues to require extraordinary monetary policy support.”

Today’s announcement maintains the stance taken by the Bank in…

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12 Secret Ways to Save Money On Your Next Edmonton Mortgage

Are you buying a home this year? Well we have gathered together the top 11 ways for you to save money on your next mortgage! Buying a home & Getting a mortgage is an extremely important step in your life. Why not take some extra steps to ensure you are saving the most money! 


1. Use a mortgage broker.                                                                                                                                                                                    It’s very easy to get information from the internet, friends and family but not all mortgage rules and rates can apply to you-every mortgage is unique. By using a mortgage broker, you can utilize their…

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