Get To Know Bill Tarrabain

Posted by MaxWell Realty Admin on Friday, June 21st, 2019  11:45am.

Get To Know Bill Tarrabain.

Bill Tarrabain is well known in the MaxWell family as the President of Maxwell Realty, profound business entrepreneur and loving family man to his beautiful wife and two amazing kids.                                                                

At the age of 49 he accomplished one of his biggest dreams by opening up his own Canadian real estate franchise. He's an inspiration to so many but apart from his profession accomplishments, we don’t know much about what makes him unique so we decided sit down with him and ask him 10 interesting questions to get to know him personally.

             Bonus question

                                                                                                                11.Who’s your favorite employee?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                It depends – whichever one is reading this right now… You’re my favourite. But don't tell the others. 

We hope you enjoyed getting to know William AKA Bill Tarrabain. We thank Bill for answering our questions and being a brilliant inspiration to so many.