Posted by MaxWell Realty Admin on Thursday, January 11th, 2018 6:59am.
Is your home lease due to end in the near future? If yes, you surely must be confused whether you should renew your home lease or not. To guide you through this confusing phase, we have listed a few reasons why you must renew your home lease.
There is no question to this that renewing your home lease is a lot easier than searching for a new home and moving there. Finding a new house in Edmonton and moving into it is challenging, time-consuming, and you will have to undergo several processes. Whereas, for renewing the lease, in most cases, all you have to do is sign another lease.
Moving to a new house is an expensive affair altogether. From security deposits and downpayments of a new house to moving costs, to shopping for a new house, several costs are associated with moving into a new house in Edmonton. If you want to save some money, you can simply renew your home lease and stay in your current house for a year or two. Renewing your lease only involves a nominal cost of the documentation.
You have lived in your current house for months only because it was a good-fit house for you. If you have all the necessary features and amenities in your house, have good relations with neighbors, and have a cooperative landlord, you can renew your home lease and live comfortably. Finding all the necessary features in a preferred neighborhood with a good landlord can be critical.
If your landlord has made an offer to renew the lease, your landlord is comfortable with you and wants you to stay for more time. If you plan to move out of the house, your landlord will have to invest in advertising and listing the home again. Hence, even he/she would want to cut down on the hassle and offer you to renew your home lease. Your landlord may even give you a discounted rent for renewing your lease, which is obviously a good deal for you.
Are you still looking for better reasons than these to finalize your decision? There is hardly anything better than renewing your home lease and life comfortably in your preferred surrounding. Wondering how to renew your home lease? Don't worry, we have a solution to that too. Just talk to our professionals at Maxwell and we will help you in renewing your home lease faster and easier.